How we can Work Together to Secure Dignity and Empowerment for our Communities

Most of us are pretty lucky in South Australia - we have a warm bed to sleep in, jobs that are meaningful and pay the bills, and access to health care, education, clean water and safe roads. However, a growing number of us are struggling. Our older people are experiencing poor standards of care, some of our kids can't get the help at school they need, and our hospitals are overrun. There's no one list of values or rights we can point to as bringing us together - or holding government and decision makers to account - even though we all believe in a fair, strong, diverse and prosperous society.

Unlike other States and Territories - and almost all other democracies around the world - South Australia doesn't have a Human Rights Act or any other law that protects and promotes dignity and security, and the responsibilities that go with these ideas.

This talk would set out what the key features of a Human Rights Act in South Australia would be, how it would work, and what difference it would make to the lives of every day South Australians.


Dr Sarah Moulds is a senior lecturer in law UniSA: Justice + Society and co-founder of the Rights Resource Network SA. Sarah is an executive member of the International Parliamentary Engagement Network, an Expert Advisor to the Queensland Parliament and cares deeply about promoting equality and dignity through the law.


8.30pm @The Maid, 1 Magill Rd, Stepney SA 5069

Also speaking at this location at 6:30pm is Teresa Janowski