"Let's get the lawyers out of sport!" Really?
This is an often heard cry...that lawyers are ruining the love of sport. Nothing could be further from the truth. The law provides an essential underpinning and safety net for all sports participants, administrators and spectators: including installing rules of fair play and fair team selections; challenging negligence, discrimination and criminal thuggery; controlling gambling, drug-taking, illegal contracts and deceptive marketing, all the while focusing on the best ways to promote good competition and a safe (non-concussive) environment. It's a pretty long list!
Now retired law professor. In addition to the work I do on criminal law and human rights, I taught sports law for 25 years including advising sports groups and state administrators along the way.
6:30pm @The Suburaban Brew, 26/30 Provident Ave, Glynde SA 5070
Also speaking at this location at 8:00pm are Kellie Finlayson and Sophie Edwards