What the search for extraterrestrial life can teach us about sustainability

Fermi’s paradox on extraterrestrial life can simply be summarised as: “If life is so easy, someone somewhere must have come calling by now.” So where are the other life forms? Implicit in this paradox is the concept of sustainability; the idea that sustainability is critical for any advanced civilisation to survive. Being able to responsibly manage resources and technological impacts may critically affect a civilisation’s longevity and detectability.

In this talk, Dr Priyanka Dhopade will explore how a civilisation’s prioritisation of sustainable practices may help it avoid self-destruction, for instance, by choosing low-impact lifestyles or refraining from expansionist activities. This perspective also reflects on our own civilisation’s current actions, as we grapple with the consequences of unsustainable practices on and off Earth.


Dr Priyanka Dhopade is a senior lecturer and researcher at the University of Auckland, leading the Sustainable Space Initiative (SSI) in New Zealand. SSI is a transdisciplinary research initiative focused on sustainability in space, involving diverse experts from engineering, science, policy, business and law. SSI also emphasises partnerships with tangata whenua to ensure Māori voices are central in decision-making. Previously, Priyanka was a senior researcher at the University of Oxford, where she developed computational models for jet engine cooling systems.


6:30pm @Auckland Fish Market, 22-32 Jellicoe Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010

Also speaking at this location at 8:00pm is Avi Vajpeyi

Venue Note: This is a heated outdoor space, however, please wear something warm as it may be cold for some.