Given or taken? Storytelling and Māori data sovereignty

Māori data sovereignty is increasingly cited as a key priority area across universities, corporate entities and governments. But despite a seemingly enthusiastic uptake of the concept among these major data players, it appears many Māori do not know what data sovereignty is or why it might matter for them. Explaining data sovereignty in overly academic language is also unlikely to shed light on the subject for those wanting to understand more.

In this talk, Dr Kiri West examines how we might conceptualise Māori data sovereignty in a way that is meaningful beyond the academic world. Join Kiri as she reflects on how storytelling and story-listening helped her to better understand the value of her mahi and be able to explain in real terms what data sovereignty might mean for herself and her whānau.


Dr Kiri West is an Indigenous researcher, kaupapa Māori theoriser, communication lecturer and reluctant storyteller. Her research background includes Māori data sovereignty, tikanga, and technology and research ethics. In an increasingly digitised world, she is interested in the ways in which we can give meaning to the above fields through the telling of our own stories.


8:00pm @The Conservatory, E1/17 Jellicoe Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010

Also speaking at this location at 6:30pm is Gavin Ellis