This way or data-way? A survival guide for a world of data

What do motivational posts on LinkedIn have in common with the supposedly small feet of Victorians? Join Dr Liza Bolton as she explores the habits of statistical thinking that can make our day-to-day lives better – from picking a restaurant like a statistician, to why you shouldn’t necessarily believe a bus stop advertisement when it tells you your hometown is one of New Zealand’s most monogamous. There are no mathematics prerequisites here – number lovers and loathers alike are invited on a romp through the good, the bad and the ugly from a world full of data and decisions.


Dr Liza Bolton teaches statistics and data science at the University of Auckland, having recently returned from three years at the University of Toronto in Canada. She is also a statistical consultant, though tends to prefer the term “data ambassador” to describe her work representing people's data back to them in meaningful ways. Her interests lie in the realms of health, equity and education, with her research focusing on statistics education and applied statistics, specifically exploring social anVd economic predictors of mortality in Aotearoa.


6:30pm @Norma Taps, 90 Wellesley Street West, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010

Also speaking at this location at 8:00pm is Rebecca Sharp

Venue Note: The venue will be offering their limited "Quiz Night" menu only.