The day the news dies

The lyric from Joni Michell’s song ‘Big Yellow Taxi’ sums up the relationship between journalism and the New Zealand public: “You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone”. People do not seem to understand – or care about – the precarious state in which news media find themselves in 2024. Few of us give any thought to what the world would be like without reporters, a place where there are no independent means of holding the powerful to account and where ‘news’ is nothing more than public relations releases or social media rumour. In this talk, media researcher and former news editor Dr Gavin Ellis will throw out a challenge that is drawn from the same song: Do you want to pave paradise and put up a parking lot?


Dr Gavin Ellis ONZM is an honorary research fellow at Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures. He is a media consultant, commentator and researcher with more than five decades of experience in news media. A former editor-in-chief of the New Zealand Herald and author of three books, he lectured on media and communications at the University of Auckland for a decade.


6:30pm @The Conservatory, E1/17 Jellicoe Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010

Also speaking at this location at 8:00pm is Kiri West