Vertical farming to feed the world smarter

How indoor vertical farming can grow a more secure and sustainable food future.

Our global population is growing and we are increasingly living in cities. Food supply chains are getting longer and more complicated. Most farmable lands are being depleted. We need to find smarter ways to farm – essentially, grow more produce with less resources.

Indoor vertical farming can help address this pressing food security challenge. Agricultural technology innovator Paul Millett shares his vision for fresh, nutritious, herbicide and pesticide-free produce and how his business is bringing this food future to life.


Paul Millett is co-founder and co-CEO at InvertiGro, a fully integrated, cost-effective and flexible indoor vertical farming system. Paul has extensive experience as a business leader with a broad mix of international consulting, supply chain, engineering and manufacturing operations skills gained with leading global brands. He has a passion for innovation and solving complex technical problems, combined with a proven track record of building and leading high performing teams.


Tuesday 4 April, 6:00 PM @Re, Shop 8/2 Locomotive St, Eveleigh, 2015

Also speaking at this location at 8:00 PM is Mitchell Gibbs


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