Regenerative medicine - how art and design use living tissues
Dr Frankenstein thought he could create life and paid for his folly. But what moral questions, arise when we create semi-living flesh for both artistic and practical purposes in a neoliberal world?
It is more than two decades since we began manipulating living systems for artistic ends. During this time the mindsets governing the relationships to the concept of life have shifted quite significantly. Come and learn about the concepts behind the developments of the first lab grown meat and leather, originally conceived as art works and situate the existence of biotechnological artifacts within a timeline and scale of global scientific, technological, economic and cultural narratives and endeavours.
Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr are award wining artists, researchers and curators, Catts and Zurr formed the internationally renowned Tissue Culture & Art Project in 1996. Catts is the Co-Founder and Director of SymbioticA: the Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts, School of Human Sciences at the University of Western Australia (UWA) and was a Professor of Contestable Design at the Royal College for the Arts UK. Dr Ionat Zurr is a researcher and lecturer at the School of Design UWA and SymbioticA’s academic co-ordinator. Both are Visiting Professor at Biofilia – Based for Biological Arts, Aalto University, Finland (2015-2020). They have been visiting scholars at The Centre of Arts and Art History at Stanford University (2007) and Research Fellows at The Tissue Engineering & Organ Fabrication Laboratory, Harvard Medical School (2000-2001).
5:30pm @PICA Bar, 51 James St, Northbridge
Also speaking at this location at 7:00pm is Mr Craig McCormack