Lost (and found?): Language endangerment in the global century
Our collective linguistic heritage is in crisis. More than half — and perhaps up to 90% — of all currently-spoken languages face a real risk of ceasing to be spoken by the year 2100. Join linguist Amanda Hamilton-Hollaway for a discussion on language endangerment, loss, renewal, and the surprising ways these affect all of us — whether we speak small or majority languages, are mono or multilingual, or are anywhere in between.
Amanda is a Lecturer in Linguistics at The University of Western Australia. Her research centres on language structure and the ways it can change when multiple languages come into contact. She currently works alongside speakers of Mudburra, an Australian Indigenous language of the central Northern Territory.
5:30 pm @The Globe, 495/497 Wellington St, Perth
Also speaking at this location at 7:00 pm is Dr Todd Bond