Warning: "To dabble in history means submitting yourself to chaos"

This talk will take you up the garden path and around the bushes as Rosemary tells tall tales and true (or are they?) about how history is recorded. Using examples from her research to get the facts while writing McDouall Stuart hitches a ride, you will join her on the discovery that fake news is indeed as old as history, and explore why we believe what we read and what we are told. Or not.


Rosemary is a local journalist and writer with a special interest in social history and the environment who thought she knew a bit about this country she now calls home ¦until she undertook a solo road trip up through the centre.


6:30pm @Britannia Hotel, 1 Kensington Rd, Norwood SA 5067

Also speaking at this location at 8:00pm is Brad Irvine-Thomas