Is Our Toxic Food Environment Contributing to the Mental Health Crisis?

Over the last few decades, scientists have been uncovering an uncomfortable truth: Our current modern food environment is affecting our mental health. In this talk, Prof. Rucklidge will discuss what we know about food choices and mental health problems, simple ways to improve your diet, and when supplementation might be necessary. This talk intends to challenge our current treatment regime for mental disorders and suggest one alternative course of action.


Julia is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at UC, Director of Te Puna Toiora, the Mental Health and Nutrition Research Lab, and co-author of The Better Brain. Julia has become well known for her research investigating the interface between nutrition and mental health, having published over 150 empirical papers, been the recipient of numerous local and international awards and frequently featuring in the media on her work. Her 2014 TEDx talk has been viewed close to 5 million times. Julia is passionate about challenging the current medical paradigm that dominates our understanding of psychiatric problems with the goal of raising awareness of how our food environment is a significant contributor to poor mental health.


Tuesday 2 May, 7.30pm @Cascade Bar, 219 High Street, Christchurch Central 8011

Also speaking at this location at 6pm is Geoff Chase