Is Breast Cancer Screening “Fair”? Can it be? Should it be?

Breast cancer screening has significant inequities for many women. Inequity of access and distance, inequity of cost, inequity of age and more… This talk will discuss how technology can address all these issues, everywhere, and (almost) all at once. Come and learn about some of the latest UC research and breast screening technology! We promise zero slides, zero compression, zero pain, zero radiation, and zero alcohol beer (available for purchase at the bar).


Distinguished Professor Geoff Chase received his B.S. Mechanical Engineering in 1986, and went on to obtain his M.S. and PhD from Stanford University in the 1990’s. He spent 6 years working for General Motors and a further 5 years consulting in Silicon Valley, before coming to UC in 2000. His research focuses on equity at the intersection of engineering and clinical medicine, improving care and outcomes, and reducing costs. He has published over 1500 articles, holds 20 US and European patents, and has three start-up companies. Prof. Chase is a Fellow of the Royal Society of NZ (FRSNZ) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (FASME), and Distinguished Fellow of Engineering NZ (DistFEngNZ).


Tuesday 2 May, 6pm @Cascade Bar, 219 High Street, Christchurch Central 8011

Also speaking at this location at 7.30pm is Julia Rucklidge