Talking about death will not kill you
For palliative care to be accessible to everyone and everywhere, Prof Aoun will discuss why every person, every family and every community need to know what to do when someone is caring, dying or grieving. For this, she advocates for improving death literacy and grief literacy and for normalising having such conversations at any stage of life. Death, dying, grief and loss are everybody’s business and responsibility in the community. Therefore, we need to activate Compassionate Communities so they are equal partners in delivering this care with health services for us to achieve better quality of life and better quality of death.
Samar Aoun is 2023 WA Australian of the Year, Perron Institute Research Chair in Palliative Care at the University of Western Australia and Perron Institute and Chair of the South West Compassionate Communities Network. She is a palliative care researcher with a public health approach and a focus on under-served population groups such as family carers before and after bereavement, people with Motor Neurone Disease and Dementia and terminally ill people who live alone. Professor Aoun’s research contribution has earned her international recognition, helping to improve understanding of palliative care and the opportunities for improvement through the Compassionate Communities model of care, with closer integration of clinical and community care aspects.
5:30 pm @Market Grounds, 10 Telethon Ave Perth
Also speaking at this location at 7:00 pm is Amy Page