Heat & Human Performance: from mine sites to marathons to surgical theatres

What is the effect of ambient heat on human performance? Prolonged exposure to heat can have detrimental effects on mental performance as well as physical ability. In some cases, prolonged heat exposure can result in death. This talk will discuss the effects of heat on the human body and what measures can be undertaken to reduce this impact. The effects of heat exposure will considered in respect to athletes on the sporting field, workers on a mining site and surgical staff in a burn surgery.


Associate Professor Karen Wallman’s research interests are varied and range from working with elite athletes to research in chronic illnesses. Her areas of interest include water recovery in athletes, the effect of static stretching on performance, caffeine as a performance aid in athletes and sedentary populations, as well as the use of exercise as an intervention in cancer, obesity and chronic fatigue syndrome.


Tuesday 29 October, 7:00 pm @The Shoe, Shop GSO7 Yagan Square, 376 - 420 Wellington St, Perth

Also speaking at this location at 5:30 pm is Dr Tracy Redhead