Breaking through writers’ block
Have you ever suffered the dreaded writers’ block? Does procrastination ever stop you from writing? Do you feel there’s always something stopping you?
They say procrastination is the thief of time for a reason… but how many months (or years) has it cost you?
There are many causes of writers’ block, but writers’ block is just a symptom of something underneath it, and it’s usually something to do with how you think, feel, and react.
But don’t worry, even the best writers procrastinate and put off what they should do! This talk addresses the science of procrastination—why we all do it and how to prevent it.
When you discover what’s stopping you, you can break through your barriers and achieve the goals that matter most.
Dr. Scott Zarcinas (aka DoctorZed) is a doctor, author, and transformologist. He helps aspirational people to be more decisive, confident, and effective by developing a growth mindset so that they can maximize their full potential and become the person they are capable of being. DoctorZed gives regular workshops, seminars, presentations, and courses to support those who want to make a positive difference through positive action and live the life they want, the way they want, how they want.
6:30pm @The Republic, 120 Magill Road, Norwood SA 5067
Also speaking at this location at 8:30pm is Nigel Rogasch