After tens of thousands of years, Western culture only stopped teaching formal memory methods in the last few centuries. The real experts are indigenous cultures, who have traditionally depended on memorising knowledge for their physical and cultural survival. Ancient Greek orators and today’s memory champions have also relied on the same core concepts: stories, imagination, vivid characters and linking to physical locations. Discover these techniques and how they can change your world!


Dr Lynne Kelly is an Honorary Research Associate at Latrobe University and a science writer. After decades in science education, she returned to university to study the memory methods of oral cultures. The author of 17 books, her most recent are Knowledge and Power in Prehistoric Societies (Cambridge University Press) and The Memory Code (Allen & Unwin). Among many pragmatic data sets, she has memorised the 412 birds of Victoria in taxonomic order, all the countries of the world in population order, a chronology of prehistory and history and is training for memory championships. She adores playing with information.

6:00 PM @Pilgrim Bar, Vaults 15-19 Federation Wharf Federation Square, Melbourne VIC 3000

Entrance over 18  |  The venue is wheelchair accessible.

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