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Art – what is it good for?

Art collectors will tell you about the enjoyment that they get from the works they are surrounded by, but recent research suggests that to really reap the benefits of having art in our lives, we should make it ourselves.

Never mind if you were told that you couldn't draw at school, now is the time to connect with your creative self. Creating things yourself is more effective at mitigating cognitive decline than just appreciating the creative works made by others.

In a German study, older people who started sculpting and painting suddenly saw improvements in their spatial reasoning and emotional resilience compared to peers who merely attended art appreciation classes. A US study showed more benefit from taking part in craft projects than through reading books.

Building on these findings, this talk will offer some nifty suggestions to get those creative juices flowing and craft/art projects underway.


Since 2018, Associate Professor Linda Tyler has been Convenor of Museums and Cultural Heritage in the School of Humanities where she teaches art history and curatorial studies. In her previous role at the University of Auckland, she ran the Gus Fisher Gallery and curated the University's Art Collection.

6:30pm @Sweet Affairs, 225 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland 1052

Also speaking at this location at 8:00pm is Katie Fitzpatrick.