
Why don't dads take parental leave?

Meet the researcher behind Annabell Crabb's Quarterly Essay: Met at Work. Women are carving out space in the workforce, starting families and working flexible or part time hours. Join the conversation as we question why haven’t men’s lives changed and why fewer men are following suit and taking parental leave to spend time with their children. Is it because they don’t want to or is the exit blocked?


Dr Jennifer Baxter is currently managing the evaluation of the Australian Government’s Child Care Package, working with a team of researchers at AIFS as well as other consortium members. Her research interests include analysing child care use and parental employment, which directly align with areas of focus of the evaluation. Other research interests cover ways in which work and family intersect, and include analyses of fathering, children’s time use and work-family spillover.

6:00pm @Queensberry Hotel, 593 Swanston Street Melbourne VIC 3035.

Also speaking at this location at 7:30pm is Dr Michael Breen.

This venue is not wheelchair accessible. 

Please reach out to knowledge@melbourne.vic.gov.au to request an Auslan interpreter for this event.