Frances Nelson

To parole or not to parole

Is it necessary for a prisoner to remain in jail to meet a punishment that fits their crime or for the protection of the public? That is a question Frances Nelson QC, and her colleagues, must address each time an offender comes before the Parole Board, seeking release from prison. There are rarely any easy answers to such a question.

Considerations include: does the offender have an understanding of their offense, its impact on themselves and others, and how and why it happened?; do they comprehend what may have changed about themselves since they have been in prison?; and what might be different about the future? Frances Nelson QC has a wealth of knowledge and a great sense of humour. She will share some perspectives and some interesting stories from her years on the Parole Board.


Frances Nelson QC was admitted to the South Australian Bar in 1967 and became only Australia's fourth female QC when appointed in 1982. She is also a member of the Northern Territory and Western Australian Bar. She is currently the Chair of the Parole Board. Ms Nelson practises in administrative law, contract law, building disputes, criminal law, family law and civil remedies and has conducted over 400 mediations in South Australia, Victoria and the Northern Territory. She has been Chair of the Parole Board since 1983.

7:00pm @Britannia Hotel, 1 Kensington Road, Norwood 5067