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Marngrook: what is the history of Aboriginal football?

Marngrook is a borrowed word, from the Gunditjmara people of south-west Victoria and means ‘game ball’. Elements of AFL are believed to originate from the traditional game that was played with a possum skin ball. Join Bernadette Atkinson to learn about the history of Marngrook, how it was played in Victoria and the rest of Australia - men and women were allowed to play against each other, and sometimes games would go for days on end!


Bernadette belongs to the Wolithiga Clan, Yorta Yorta Nations. She has had over 30 years experience working in government, community and academic areas predominantly around Aboriginal education and cultural awareness.

Bernadette holds a double degree in Arts/Education majoring in Aboriginal History and General History and a Masters of Education with a focus on Policy, Leadership and Change. Her Masters thesis focused on Aboriginal Education and teachers responses to AITSL and their standards towards teaching.

Currently she is working as a Cultural Educator at the Koorie Heritage Trust delivering cultural awareness and competency training to industry, community and educational institutions.

Bernadette is also the owner of Winyarr Dreaming Creations which has a focus on cultural connection and learning about Marngrooks and cultural through workshops or information sessions.

7:30pm @Hopscotch, 4 Riverside Quay Southbank Melbourne VIC 3006.

Also speaking at this location at 6:00pm is Dr Trevor Thornton.

This event is hosted in a venue that is wheelchair accessible.

Please reach out to to request an Auslan interpreter for this event.