
Future of Rehabilitation Through Wearable Technology

In the future when people talk about smart dressing, it won’t be about dressing sharply but will in fact be referring to clothes which are a technical solution to identifying injury prone situations, predicting catastrophic situations before they occur and preventing recurrent injuries during rehabilitation. It’s been likened to having a physiotherapist or trainer with you at all times as you go about your daily activities and exercises. Come along and hear from Behrokh about how smart clothing can change the future of healthcare.


A passionate engineer in the development of new innovations and products that bridge the gaps between medicine and engineering to empower those who are less able with a better quality of life. Behrokh accomplished a doctorate degree successfully in the area of mechanical engineering in the University of Urmia, Iran. After graduation, Behrokh pursued her passion in the area of biomedical engineering, medical devices at UTS. As a higher degree researcher, she has continued to grow her research interests on biomedical devices with a special focus on human balance and posture through developing an artificial vestibular system and smart clothing.


7:30pm @Jazzy Cafe & Bar, 212 Devonshire St, Surry Hills
Closest Light Rail stop: Surry Hills.

Also speaking at this location at 6:00pm is Dr Sarah McDonald.