
Making a scene: how do artistic communities create cultural movements?

Throughout history, small ‘scenes’ of artists have made huge cultural impacts. From Studio 54 and the drag balls of New York to the theatre scene of Nigeria that gave rise to the golden age of Nollywood, the biggest cultural moments often grow from small places. Can these ‘scenes’ be cultivated, or do they need to arise organically? Come and learn from Angharad Wynne-Jones, who’s nurtured two of Melbourne's most critically impactful institutions, Chunky Move and Arts House. In this talk, she'll share some insights into what artists need to do their best work.


Angharad is Head of Creative Engagement at Arts Centre Melbourne, leading a team of creative producers in innovative participative arts programs of access and inclusion, young people, public realm and creative learning that engage with many thousands of Victorians annually. From 2011-2017 she was Artistic Director at Arts House, City of Melbourne, initiating projects responding to the climate emergency, including Refuge, which investigates the role of cultural institutions in climate change disasters.She is on the Advisory Group of RMIT’s CAST Contemporary Art and Social Transformation research group and a member of the Creative Industries Advisory Group developing Creative Victoria’s creative strategy 2020-2024, appointed by Minister Foley.

9:30pm @Bar Ampere, 17 Russell Place Melbourne VIC 3000.

Also speaking at this location at 6:30pm is Jefa Greenaway and at 8:00pm is Dr Jen Rae.

This event is hosted in a venue that is wheelchair accessible.

Please reach out to knowledge@melbourne.vic.gov.au to request an Auslan interpreter for this event.