Law and Tech Collide: driverless cars and augmented human drivers – what are the legal implications?
Lots of people are talking about the legal challenges posed by the introduction of driverless vehicles, but what about legal issues relating to advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) in vehicles already currently available on our roads? This technology ‘augments’ human driving capacity, reduces human error and increases safety. What does this mean for how we should assess legal risks posed by ‘un-augmented’ human drivers?
Tania was appointed Dean of Law in August 2017 at Flinders University and is currently teaching innovative topics, including; Law in a Digital Age, which includes building AI legal apps to increase access to justice; and Law in Action, which includes a law reform clinic working on legal implications of emerging technologies. Tania's current research interests include: future mobility solutions, disruption in the legal profession, artificial intelligence and legal tech, and the future of legal education.
6:30pm @The Maid, 1 Magill Road, STEPNEY 5069
Also speaking at this location at 8:30pm is Alexander Reilly.