Hidden symmetries
From the wings of a butterfly to architectural masterpieces, humans are naturally drawn to symmetry. But beyond captivating our eyes and minds, symmetry provides a language that can describe our universe. Mathematician Anna Romanov sees the world in this language, finding hidden symmetries that help to better explain everything around us. Join Anna as she shares the tales of two world-changing mathematicians and their mathematical discoveries that brought the fourth dimension to life and made quantum mechanics a reality.
Everyone told her she should become an engineer, but since pursuing a degree in mathematics Anna Romanov has never looked back. And when she describes her job as ‘sitting around and thinking about incredible things’ – who could blame her? Anna moved from Utah to Australia in 2018 to work with Professor Geordie Williamson as a National Science Foundation research fellow. Her research is in representation theory, the mathematical language to study symmetry. But her main interest isn’t using this language, it’s looking at how she can expand the dictionary itself.
8:00pm @Harpoon Harry, 40-44 Wentworth Ave, Surry Hills NSW 2010
Also speaking at this location at 6:30pm is Geraint Lewis
This bar is wheelchair accessible.